Our Services


What Service We Provide


Arson, or destroying property by means of intentionally igniting an item, is a serious crime.  Often associated with insurance fraud or a homicide, these cases rest or fall on the ability to contradict the findings of the Fire Marshall’s report.  In order to do so, a person accused of such a crime needs an attorney with a proven track record of effectively cross-examining “expert witnesses.”  That person needs an attorney like Ezra C. Levy.

In nearly two decades of trying all types of cases, Ezra has demystified the “expert” in “expert witnesses,” oftentimes even getting the prosecution’s witnesses to corroborate the defense theory of the case.  The only way Ezra is able to do so is because he thoroughly goes over each piece of discovery, including every page of every report with a fine-toothed comb, looking for anything that might help his client.  It takes time and effort, but Ezra believes that justice requires no less than such.  And Ezra’s clients benefit from his work, as his cross-examinations of the prosecutions’ experts have played a role in many of his trial victories.

If you or a loved one are faced with an accusation of arson, consider using an attorney with a proven track record in handling these often-complex cases.  Call the Law Offices of Ezra C. Levy

Theft Offenses

Theft offenses can involve something as minor as shoplifting or non-payment of subway or bus fare to something as serious as armed robbery. Successful defense of these cases depends on a scrutinizing review of the discovery and a thorough investigation with an eye towards either excluding a person as being the perpetrator or towards offering a different narrative of what happened rather than confirming the prosecution’s theory of the case or the identification of the perpetrator. While this sounds simple enough to do, it takes a skillful trial attorney to handle these cases successfully.

Ezra C. Levy is such an attorney. Consider one of Ezra’s victories in the area of armed robbery allegations: R.P. was accused by two restaurant workers for coming in after closing and demanding and taking money from them at knifepoint. The two restaurant workers told the police that they struggled with R.P. and that they cut R.P. in the process. There was even a trail of blood leading out from the restaurant all the way to R.P.’s apartment. The police arrested R.P., and after finding out that he had prior robbery convictions were convinced that the investigation should be closed out

Family Court Orders of Protection

Few situations can be as volatile and sensitive as when family members or paramours seek an order of protection from the Family Court. Ezra has successfully represented both petitioners and respondents in these matters. Ezra’s sensitivity to a client’s situation coupled with his objectivity is appreciated by Ezra’s clients. Here is one of Ezra’s numerous wins in Famiy Court: A couple came into Ezra’s office after each were served a Family Court Order of Protection in favor of their estranged son-in-law. Ezra was able to get the judge to quickly dismiss the petition against one client and then litigated the second petition until prevailing in a fact-finding trial. Ezra’s successful representation of this couple continued all the way through the appeals process as well.

If you or a loved one are contemplating obtaining a Family Court Order of Protection, or if you are faced with having to respond to such an Order, consider using an attorney with a proven track record in handling these often-complex cases. Call the Law Offices of Ezra C. Levy.


Kidnapping is a serious offense. While it sounds like the stuff movies are made of, the truth is that there is nothing cool about it. Not for the victim, and not for a person charged with committing such an offense. Oftentimes, the accused is actually innocent, himself a victim of a misidentification. It takes an attorney with a proven track record of handling complex misidentification cases to handle the defense of such an accusation. It takes an attorney like Ezra C. Levy.

Here is one example of Ezra’s successful forays in establishing a misidentification of his client: K.B. and his friend were riding on the train, minding their business when the train was stopped and the two boys were taken off the train. Unbeknownst to them, a teenager was robbed on the train and had picked the two teenagers as his assailants, even though they were riding on a different car.

Ezra thoroughly went through the discovery, going through the descriptions given of the perpetrators, comparing them with how K.B. looked like. After that, Ezra cross-examined the complainant at trial and tactically proved that the complainant never got a good look at his assailants. 

DWI(Driving while intoxicated)

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving while ability impaired (DWAI) cases routinely start out the same way. A person, typically a fine upstanding member of society, sometimes even a licensed professional, goes out for the evening. During dinner, he or she orders a drink, forgetting about the short drive home that will follow. One drink becomes two, or maybe three or more. Rather than leave the car on the streets or the lot and take a cab, pride or foolishness gets in the way, and convincing that the drinks had no effect on his or her ability to drive, our protagonist gets behind the wheel. What should have been a short drive home becomes a long night in a police lock-up, followed by charges of driving while intoxicated.

While the story recited above might be typical, no two cases are ever the same. However, prosecutors and judges tend to treat all DWI cases with a cookie-cutter approach based on a combination of a rap sheet and the breathalyzer result. The penalties that they seek to impose are often draconian in nature. However, as no two cases are alike, a cookie-cutter approach is patently unfair. Ezra C. Levy has been fighting this type of injustice for almost two decades with proven results.


Fraud has quickly become one of the most aggressively-prosecuted offenses by the District Attorneys’ and Attorney General’s Offices in this State. Whether it’s welfare fraud, insurance fraud or any other type of fraud, “white collar” crimes are being pursued by the State as never-before. Faced with this, a person facing such a charge needs an attorney with a reputation for fighting back for his clients. He or she needs an attorney who realizes that good people can make mistakes without having them result in ruining the rest of their lives. That person needs an attorney like Ezra C. Levy. Ezra C.

Levy has earned his reputation as a no-nonsense straight shooter, who has the ear of judges and prosecutors when he speaks to them. They respect him, and are willing to negotiate with him quicker than with most attorneys; resulting in better results in quicker times for his clients so that they can go back to the lives they led before. Recently Ezra had a client charged with insurance fraud as a felony. Ezra was able to reach out to the assigned prosecutor and negotiate a minimal fine and non-felony disposition for that client. If you or a loved one are faced with an accusation of fraud, consider using an attorney with a proven track record in handling these often-complex cases. Call the Law Offices of Ezra C. Levy.


Possibly because murder or any other homicide charge is the most serious criminal charge in our justice system, the cards are unevenly stacked against the accused throughout the process. Judges reflexively accede to the prosecutor’s request that the accused be held without bail, regardless of the strength or weakness of the case against that individual; prosecutors withhold or delay in turning over discovery knowing that the case will just be adjourned again and again until the requested information becomes worthless to the defense; possible defenses are not investigated properly because the appointed defense attorney is too overworked or too jaded. A person accused of such a serious crime needs an attorney known as a fighter for justice for his clients. A person accused of such a serious crime needs an attorney like Ezra C. Levy. Ezra C. Levy was the youngest lawyer to be assigned the role of lead counsel by the Legal Aid Society in the defense of a client indicted for Murder in the First Degree. Armed with a thoroughly-investigated case,If you or a loved one are faced with an accusation of a homicide, consider using an attorney with a proven track record in handling these often-complex cases. Call the Law Offices of Ezra C. Levy.

Criminal Traffic Offenses

Reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, and driving with a suspended license can all expose a driver to criminal sanctions, including a possible period of incarceration. These types of cases, although not serious on their faces have serious consequences and should only be entrusted to criminal defense attorneys who have experience dealing with these matters.

Ezra C. Levy had literally dealt with thousands of these cases, getting results for his clients. Here is an example of one of the results Ezra secured for his client: R.S. was indicted for felony aggravated operation of a motor vehicle with a suspended license. R.S. was also only probation for another felony at the same time. Noticing that the District Attorney would not budge from their demand for incarceration, Ezra asked the judge to allow his client to participate in a drug treatment program as the addiction was clearly the root of the criminal behavior. The judge, knowing Ezra to be a good judge of character as well as a man of integrity, agreed to give R.S. a chance. R.S. completed his program successfully, without incident. The judge, over the District Attorney’s objection, sentenced R.S. to time served on both felonies. Today R.S. is drug-free and leading a productive life as a free man thanks to the advocacy of Ezra C. Levy.

Drug Offenses

Nearly every family has one of its members who has fallen victim to the drug epidemic that has taken over this country.  It crosses all economic and race lines.  Most people realize that drug addiction is an illness that needs to be treated like every other illness, rather than being criminalized.  Unfortunately, legislators, prosecutors and judges are too comfortable in jailing drug addicts rather than getting them the help that they need. The truth is that there are many alternative sentences such as drug treatment programs, and that they work in achieving sobriety rather than incarceration.

Of course, not all drug cases are appropriate for drug treatment.  For those cases, a tenacious and experienced trial attorney and skilled negotiator is key.  Ezra C. Levy has handled thousands of drug cases, including taking them to trial and coming out victorious.  In one case, Ezra’s client J.S. was accused of making a drug delivery of over 60 ziplock bags of crack cocaine, a Class B felony.  Ezra C. Levy’s brilliant cross-examination and strong summation convinced the jury that the police were unable to see what they testified to and J.S. was found not guilty of the felony charges against him.

Domestic Voilence

Domestic violence runs the gamut from a simple lovers’ quarrel that gets a bit out of hand to actual physical abuse or homicide. Ever since the O.J. Simpson murder case, District Attorneys’ Offices and judges have treated cases between paramours with greater scrutiny. Indeed, throughout New York, there are court parts dedicated exclusively to these cases. In these parts, prosecutors try to act roughshod over an accused’s rights, and unless challenged, judges will oftentimes simply rubberstamp the prosecutor’s request. An experienced, determined and knowledgeable defense attorney is critical to have in these cases.

Ezra C. Levy has handled thousands of these types of cases in his career, with proven results. Here is just one of Ezra’s winning stories: W.C. and his girlfriend had a volatile relationship, one that was negatively affected by the substance abuse issues they both shared. After one night of binge drinking, W.C.’s girlfriend called the police. When the police arrived, she asked them to take W.C. to the hospital to sober up. W.C. refused, and the police informed her that they couldn’t force him to get hospitalized. Upon hearing this, W.C.’s girlfriend told the police that W.C. had forced himself upon her. W.C. was arrested and indicted for rape.

Moving Violations

Speeding, going through a red light or stop sign, texting while driving, and use of cellular phone while driving are just a few examples of common traffic offense that police officers issue summonses to motorists on a routine basis.  We all know that the cost of these tickets is more than just the fine listed on the back of the summonses.  The hike in insurance rates as well as the potential suspension or revocation of driving privileges for having too many points on one’s license are real consequences for those who have no other choice of transportation but driving.  A driver receiving a traffic ticket should consider fighting the ticket with the aid of an attorney who has extensive experience in cross-examining police officers.  Ezra C. Levy is such an attorney.

Here is just one of Ezra’s wins in this area: S.L. was cited for driving without a seatbelt.  She immediately called Ezra who advised her to plead not guilty.  At the hearing, Ezra cross-examined the officer, establishing that he did not have a clear line of vision to observe whether S.L. was wearing a seatbelt prior to being pulled over.  The Administrative Judge dismissed the summons.

If you or a loved one receive a moving violation, consider using an attorney with a proven track record in handling these cases.  Call the Law Offices of Ezra C. Levy.

Weapons Possessions

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. However, this right is not without restrictions. New York State imposes some of the greatest restrictions on this Constitutional right, along with some of the Nation’s stiffest sentences for illegal weapons possessions. Included in the draconian New York Penal Law is the criminalization of gravity knives.

These are the knives that many people carry and use at work to open boxes or for carpentry and the like. And now, New York City is opening court parts dedicated solely to handling illegal gun possession indictments. Ezra C. Levy has handled literally hundreds of these cases, to date, not having lost a single trial in this area of criminal practice. Here is one the victories Ezra secured for his client: D.H. and 4 friends (two other males along with their respective girlfriends) were riding in the back of a taxi. Two overly-aggressive police officers stopped the cab and ordered the passengers out. A few moments later, one of the officers claimed to have found a handgun in the passenger area of the van. All five passengers were taken to the precinct.

Immigration consequences of criminal convictions

Oftentimes, the consequences of a criminal conviction go beyond the sentence imposed after a guilty plea or verdict.  For non-citizens, the most severe collateral consequence can result in deportation, denial of re-entry into the United States and denial of citizenship.  This can be true even if the conviction is decades old.  Understanding the severity of these consequences, in the 2010 case of Padilla v. Kentucky, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that failure by a defense attorney to give accurate information about immigration consequences can render a guilty plea by the uninformed non-citizen criminal defendant to be constitutionally involuntary.  

In other words, if the defense attorney did not give accurate advice, the defendant is entitled to challenge the plea and have the case re-opened. The Law Offices of Ezra C. Levy, Esq. has successfully prepared motions for  non-citizen clients convicted their pleas of guilty.  Recently, Ezra prepared and submitted a motion where a non-citizen client who pleaded guilty to a weapons offense in Queens where his lawyer failed to inform him that he faced mandatory deportation even though he has lived in the United States since he was a child.

Vehicular Homicides

Motor vehicle collisions can be very serious, some even deadly.  However, not every death that results from a traffic collision is criminal in nature.  Many, if not most, are the result of an unfortunate accident.  Convincing the factfinder that a car collision that resulted in death was the result of accident rather than reckless or negligent driving takes an attorney who knows how to present facts in a clear and convincing manner, without sounding like a lawyer.  It takes an attorney like Ezra C. Levy.

Ezra is a polished trial attorney.  An expert in the law, as well as an expert litigator.  He has won the accolades of colleagues and adversaries alike, as well as judges for his ability to present often complex issues to jurors in simple terms, all without offending the jurors’ senses of intelligence.  In fact, Ezra has had jurors reach out to him to thank him for his service to his clients as well as to helping the jury find his client “innocent.”  

If you or a loved one are faced with an accusation of vehicular homicide, consider using an attorney with a proven track record in handling these often-complex cases.  Call the Law Offices of Ezra C. Levy

Driving Offenses

Traffic offenses, like other criminal offenses can be divided into three categories: traffic infraction, unclassified misdemeanors and felonies. Traffic infractions are non-criminal in nature and in New York City, are generally handled at hearings held in the Department of Motor Vehicles. These infractions include: speeding, running a red light, failure to stop, or use of a cell phone while driving. It should be stressed that although these infractions are not criminal in nature, a police officer does have the discretion to make a full-blown arrest of the motorist rather than issuing a summons. The most common traffic infraction that will result in arrest and prosecution in Criminal Court of the City of New York is Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI).

Unclassified Vehicle and Traffic Law misdemeanors carry the possibility of incarceration or probation as well as fines as their maximum sentences. Depending on the crime charged, the maximum can be up to one-year incarceration or three-years of probation. The most common examples of these unclassified misdemeanors are driving with a suspended license and first-offense Driving While Intoxicated (DWI).

Sex Offenses

Few cases are full of raw emotion as allegations dealing with sex offenses. After all, “rape” is a four-letter word. Two consenting adults are free to engage in relations. Similarly, an individual is free to withhold consent, and have that wish respected. But many times, rape and other sexual offense allegations are not really as clear-cut “no consent” as the prosecution and the accuser would have the public or the court believe. In these cases, it takes a strong-willed, determined tactician of a criminal defense attorney to be able to bring the truth out to the forefront. Ezra C. Levy is such an attorney, with a proven track record of securing winning results for his clients wrongly accused of rape and other sexual offenses.

Here’s one example of Ezra’s victories: G.J. was a mildly-retarded crack addict with a history of numerous periods of incarceration. One night, G.J., was found by police in a basement of a building that he did not live in, wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. The police had been responding to 911 calls from two female callers from inside the building who claimed that a man had just broken into the apartment of one of the callers, wielding a knife and attempted to rape her.

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Ezra makes himself readily available to clients and regularly provides his mobile phone number so they can contact him at any time. He prides himself on the long-term relationships he develops with clients, which has led to positive testimonials and regular referrals.  Ezra, who is fluent in Hebrew, even has an Arabic and French translator in his office to better serve his ethnically diverse community.  


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